A2 Milk and Children with Autism
Would a Change in Lifestyle Benefit Children with Autism?
I hate the word diet. Don't you? Nobody wants to be on a diet. However, changing your lifestyle for the better is usually ok in anyones book. So today we want to make a lifestyle change. If autism could improve with a change in your food choices, would you make a change? Of course you would! Studies show that poor diets and certain foods make autism worse. Children with autism can not tolerate casein or gluten. I will discuss A2 milk in a minute. First, let me address eating with autism.
What Should People With Autism Eat?
For wellness, it highly suggested that you follow a specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) that is also dairy free. This seems like a daunting task because it requires a huge change in shopping habits as well as a change in what we eat and how we cook. People often associate "good" eating with food that contains gluten and dairy. This is especially true for children. If you are struggling with autism, it is time to make a change.
How Do I Get Started?
Change can be difficult in the beginning. But can you look at a change as new adventure? How exciting it can be to take an adventure. I think cooking adventures are at the top of the list when it comes to satisfying fun. Just think about all the spices at your fingertips. There are over 1,000 varieties of watermelons, thousands of varieties of grapes and other foods. Now think about the world cuisines: Chinese, Indian, Thai, Korean, Greek, Moroccan, Peruvian, Brazilian, Nigerian, German, Polish and more. What an amazing door you have just opened. There are so many dishes you can make. You just need an open mind. You can do it! Start slow and gradual if you are not able to give the SCD diet one-hundred percent. I highly suggest you consult a Health Coach for assistance with the transition. The strategy here is that it can be costly to buy new foods that may get thrown away because you did not know how to prepare them in a way that you or your child will enjoy. A good coach will assist you in preparing meals and selecting foods that your budget can accommodate. Hiring a coach is not as expensive as you may imagine. However, if you want to go it on your own you can. You just need a good cook book and a lot of patience. One of my favorite books is Against the Grain by Danielle Walker. You can purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Danielle-Walkers-Against-All-Grain/dp/162860042X/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2OIFML1LJ64V5&keywords=against+the+grain+cookbook&qid=1582756384&sprefix=Against+the+grain%2Caps%2C206&sr=8-3. You will discover your inner cook on this journey. You will also be able to cook some amazing dishes. Rosemary almond crackers, sweet potato pudding, almond noodles, egg roll in bowl and a delicious dairy free lasagna are among my favorite things to make.
What To Do With My Picky Eater And That A2 Milk?
So let us start with the elephant in the room. Let me guess, you have a picky eater? How will you start a gluten free, dairy free diet without a good fight? You start slow. First address the dairy. Do not think about all the things you cannot eat. As mentioned earlier, there are so very many things you can eat. You can have ghee. Ghee is a clarified butter that you can purchase or make with ease. It is without lactose and casein free. It is excellent in gluten free baked goods, and other cooking needs. A2 milk is a possibility. A2 milk is an A1 casein free milk that is also referred to as A2 milk. It is gaining popularity and can be found in many local grocery stores. What is casein? It is the protein found in milk. Casein is found in non-dariy products too. You may find casein in medicines, cosmetics, supplements, "non-dairy"food and more.
What is the Difference Between Regular (A1) Milk and A2 Milk?
The difference is the source. A1 milk is derived from Ayrshire, British Shorthorn, and Holstein cows. When digested in the small intestine it produces a peptide called beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7). BCM-7 is eventually absorbed into the blood often causing discomfort associated with people who are lactose intolerant. The casein in A2 milk has a different protein and does not cause the same digestive complaints. Al milk has been linked to heart health issues, type 1 diabetes, and struggles with focusing. How do you feel after you consume regular cow's milk?
A2 milk is derived from Jersey, Gurernsey, Limousin, Charolais and Asian breeds. A2 can also be found in goats and sheep milk as well as buffalo mozzarella. As closely resembles human breast milk. Studies show that consumption of A2 Milk can decrease stomach upset and inflammation caused by regular milk. However, it still contains lactose and milk protein. Using A2 milk for children with autism is only a suggestion for transitioning to a non-dairy choice. There are studies suggesting that A2 may be an alternative dairy choice. Everyone responds differently to food. So you will need to monitor and see if A2 makes a difference. However, to be safe, you can always select a non dairy beverage. There are so many alternatives. It is very easy to make your own almond, pecan or nut milk. These are the types of milk that work wonderfully for dairy free living.
Will Eliminating Dairy and Gluten Help Improve Autism?
Food really matters! Many children with autism are found to have allergies to food and food additives, yeast problems, magnesium deficiency, poor sleep, and just a poor diet. Dairy and gluten have been implicated in causing behavior problems in children with autism. If you cannot immediately pull the dairy out of your cooking, try A2 milk. Many people have reported positive significant changes in a relatively short period of time with digestion and behavior.
Is there Additional Help For Autism?
Yes! Homeopathy is a wonderful resource for autism. Many parents who have tried and had limited success or failed with Ritalin and other allopathic drugs have found success with homeopathy.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please send me an email.
~Erica Holt, Health Coach & Homeopath Candidate
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